5CSXFC2C6U23I7N ikki tomonlama ARM ® Cortex®-A9 MPCore ™, CoreSight tizimi chipda (SOC) IC, Cyclone ® V SE FPGA -25K mantiqiy element, 800MHz, 672-UBGA (23x23)


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5CSEMA2U23C7N ikki tomonlama ARM ®  Cortex®-A9 MPCore ™  CoreSight tizimi chip (SOC) IC, Cyclone ® V SE FPGA -25K mantiqiy elementi, 800MHz, 672-UBGA (23x23) bilan.

5CSXFC2C6U23I7N mahsulot atributlari

Arxitektura: MCU, FPGA

Yadro protsessor: Dual ARM ®  Cortex®-A9 MPCore ™, CoreSight ™ funksiyasi bilan

Xotira hajmi: 64 KB

Periferik DMA, POR, WDT

Tezlik: 800 MGts

Asosiy atributlar: FPGA-25K mantiqiy komponentlar

Ishlash harorati 0 ° C ~ 85 ° C (TJ)

Paket/qobiq: 672-FBGA

Yetkazib beruvchi qurilmasining qadoqlanishi: 672-UBGA (23x23)

Kirish/chiqish soni MCU -181, FPGA -145

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